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31 May

CTFC B2B Sports Betting Website Development in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's sports betting business is expanding rapidly, necessitating the development of dependable and innovative systems. Enter CTFC, B2B Sports Betting Website Provider in Bangladesh. With our comprehensive solution for e-gaming websites and online betting platforms, we give businesses the tools they need to flourish in this competitive sector. 

Complete Betting Solutions for Business 

CTFC understands that developing a sports betting website takes more than simply a slick UI. It entails integrating multiple features while ensuring that the platform is secure, dependable, and user-friendly. Our betting solutions for businesses are intended to meet these requirements and more. 

Why Choose CTFC?

  1. Tailored Solutions: We provide customized solutions based on your specific business needs. Whether you are a start-up or an established operation, our software may be tailored to your specific needs.

  2. Our systems are created with cutting-edge technology to provide great performance, security, and scalability.

  3. Compliance and Licensing: We ensure that your betting website meets all legal and regulatory criteria in Bangladesh, reducing the possibility of legal complications.

  4. 24/7 Support: Our dedicated support team is accessible around the clock to help you with any technical problems or questions you might have. 

Features of CTFC’s All-in-One Solution

Our all-in-one solution for e-gaming websites and online betting platforms includes a wide range of features to enhance the user experience and streamline operations:

  • User Management: Easy registration, user verification, and management processes.

  • Payment Integration: Secure and diverse payment options to cater to a broad audience.

  • Real-Time Data: Instant updates on odds, scores, and other relevant information.

  • Customizable Design: Tailor the look and feel of your website to match your brand.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Comprehensive tools to monitor performance and make informed decisions.

FAQ: Your Questions Answered

How do I make a bet website in Bangladesh?

CTFC provides a comprehensive solution to create your betting website in Bangladesh. Our team handles everything from design and development to compliance and maintenance, ensuring a seamless setup process.

How to create a betting website in Bangladesh?

Creating a betting website involves several steps, including market research, obtaining the necessary licenses, choosing the right software provider, and developing a user-friendly platform. CTFC simplifies this process by offering a turnkey solution that covers all these aspects.

What is B2B in betting?

B2B (Business-to-Business) in betting refers to companies that provide services and products to other businesses within the betting industry. CTFC is a leading B2B sports betting software provider in Bangladesh, offering platforms and tools to help other businesses operate successfully in the betting market.

Who are the Best B2B & B2C Sports Betting Software Providers in Bangladesh?

CTFC stands out as one of the best B2B & B2C sports betting software providers in Bangladesh, thanks to our comprehensive solutions, cutting-edge technology, and exceptional customer support.


CTFC’s expertise in B2B sports betting website development in Bangladesh makes us the go-to provider for businesses looking to enter or expand in this lucrative market. Our all-in-one solutions for e-gaming websites and online betting platforms ensure that you have everything you need to succeed. From compliance and licensing to cutting-edge technology and 24/7 support, CTFC has you covered.

Ready to take your betting business to the next level? Contact CTFC today and let us help you build a platform that stands out in the competitive landscape of online gambling.

For more information on our services and to get started, visit our website or reach out to our team. With CTFC, your success in the sports betting industry is just a step away.

Quick facts
  • Produces modern provably fair games
  • Features customisable gaming solutions
  • Founded in 2021
  • Headquarters located in Berlin, Germany
  • Creates BETFAIR-powered games
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